for the past 2 years, there have been reports all over the world of people mysteriously disappearing with no information as to how, when, and where. you, a detective, were hired to solve these cases, but it's been a little hard because there's no evidence of anything happening at, you've woken up someplace new. a white void. with no memory of how you got here. quite suspicious, ain't it?

off in the distance, you spot several people running your way. liquid gold seems to be pouring from their eyes.

you back into someone behind you, who makes a gurgling sound, and turn around to see... and smell... one of the aggressive piss-faced individuals.

you punch it in the face, which only angers it.

it grabs you and cups its lips around your eyeball, spitting piss into your head. either it didn't wanna make this romantic, or it has a thing for eyes.

you're now just another walking corpse.

you run away, avoiding the hoards of decaying piss zombies trying to grab you. soon, you notice a little fort and get to it before you run out of breath.

you look into it and see two people. the one with a police hat greets you and pulls you inside.

you ask what this place is, to which the cop replies that it's some kind of white void.the guy with glasses adds that this place also doesn't make sense, as things just glitch out of existence and the void is just endless, which is NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE!!

then, the fort glitches out of existence, exposing you three to the piss zombies.

the cop tosses a water gun at you. you and the cop spray zombies with your water guns while the scientist sprays them with their water-fabreze mixture.

you three spot a cube with a door appear not too far away and make your way over.

inside, you shut the door and notice it's a bedroom.

from under the bed, a piss zombie emerges and scratches at Scientist's ankles, making them squeal.

Cop suffocates the zombie with a pillow, which absorbs the piss and leaves it motionless.

Scientist says that the piss seemingly controls the piss zombies- which is dumb and illogical, but it does. pissification occurs when piss orb piss- piss orbs being orbs of "magical" piss- gets into the bloodstream or body.
so, when handling urine, cover up any wounds, your mouth, your eyes, and other ways for things to get in you.
absorbing the piss relieves the body of being controlled, but this doesn't bring the person back.
once pissified, the person dies, meaning they won't respond to anything you say, and they won't recognize your face. even if purified.
other ways a piss zombie can "die," are allowing it to decompose to where it can't move, dismembering it, and washing the piss away with water- which is why water was used as a weapon earlier.small amounts of water don't kill a piss zombie, but it makes them back off.

Scientist says that they've been here for a while and has learned both from observation, experience, and the word of others- with evidence and tests.

you ask how long they've been here. Scientist confesses they aren't sure, as it's impossible to tell what time it is due to the constant white sky. but they say it feels like it's been months.
Cop says they assume they've been here for a month at least.